Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Socialising and muscle cars...

Day 12 - Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Vocational morning

Sarah and Michelle were taken to the Yosemite Highschool, the local high school for the area, where they met with school principal Steve Raupp. The high school is quite unique with a very involved vocational and career driven school program. After chatting to the Principal for a little bit, Michelle was taken by Kellie Romine (Career Counsellor) for a tour of the school the career centre.

Sarah was introduced to a law enforcement class. The class seemed very interested in the Anti-Hooning legislation, that the drinking age was 18 and that firearms aren't quite as popular or allowed in Tasmania as in California. Sarah was also able to see the Search and Rescue equipment just outside of Oakhurst.

Search & Rescue Equipment - Oakhurst Style

Michelle and Sarah had a very eventful day. They also saw a wild turkey (out of the bottle) and a skunk (or skank as Michelle calls them).

Michelle's Skank (Skunk?)

Will's Vocational Morning was a really nice chat with John Crane, a local programmer. John is one of many old boys of programming company Sierra Online (makers of Liesuresuit Larry). Once upon a time, they employed 400 people here! John now works for as a games programmer and manager. Check them out if you have time to waste! We had a great conversation about the industry, types of intelligence, stock options in the sector, working from home... and much more. John is also president of Oakhurst Noon Rotary, and a former GSE team leader on a trip to Brazil. All in all a thoroughly nice bloke, even is he does drive a little red sports car!

Lunchtime meeting

Oakhurst Noon Rotary

After our lunchtime presentation, at the Oakhurst noon club (thanks President John), Sarah was picked up by Larry Rich from the Sheriffs Office for a briefing into a joint operation to try and find some info on a wanted murder suspect. They basically patrolled the North Fork and surrounding area arresting people on warrants, talking to the public and informing them that the reward had been increased to $11,000. They had arrested 11 people in the first hour and were able to get some fairly good information on the suspects whereabouts by the end of the night.

A posse ready to go hunting murderers...

Muscle cars with Victor
Pontiac Firebird & Pontiac GTO

Our extra friendly and helpful local GSE coordinator Victor is a closet petrol head!
Well, actually, there's nothing closet about it. By our calculations, he owns abut 10 vehicles including these two beauties. Victor is not from the 'restore to original' school of thought, he customises his vehicles significantly. The Pontiac has a 9 PSI super charger that he has installed. We saw some of the blanks he used to design and manufacture special brackets to get it all to fit under the bonnet. (Sorry make that 'under the hood'). I didn't make enough notes about the tech specs, but we'll get Victor to write it down and forward some time.

375 horse power in a Pontiac Firebird

Pontiac GTO

We all got to go for a ride. Initially Chris and Michelle jumped in the GTO with Victor, but it was so lowered that the wheels scraped on the mud guards. Michelle jumped out around the corner and headed back to the rest of us. When we asked what had happened, she said, "He told me to get out because I was too fat, the bastard!"
Our hosts and the blokes who ran the car detailing shop next door laughed for about 20 minutes. I think Victor is still embarrassed...

Party at the home of Chris' hosts, Doug and Marilyn
We were lucky enough to be invited to a party. It had everything you'd need:
20 bottles of wine, including 10 zinfandels
a massive wine cellar to tour
9 cats and a smell to match
a balcony with a million dollar view
indoor and outdoor fires
great people to talk to...

Sarah unfortunately missed out on socialising due to the Sheriffs Office kidnapping her for the evening! We didn't get her back until very late. Almost all of us were in bed by then...

Glen & Chris in the blokes circle at Doug & Marilyn's party

1 comment:

Kellie Romine said...


It was great fun showing you our campus! I loved learning about your country.
