Saturday, April 12, 2008

BBQ at the ranch

Day 15 - Saturday, April 12, 2008

At 1pm we headed to Lee’s Horse Ranch (actually Lee was away, so it should really have been Jill’s horse ranch) a short trip around the corner from Awahnee. Glen was excited as there was a small lake and fishing rods available for him to go fishing. While the rest of the team mingled and chatted away, Glen worked VERY hard at trying to catch something on the rod, considering that he hadn't managed to catch anything on his rest day the other day. His hard work paid off and he captured the Big Daddy of fishes. Well done Glen!

Victor and Michelle challenged Will and I in a pedal boat race across the lake and back. I was a dubious about the boat that we were left with as Michelle and Victor had already had the opportunity to test them out and pick the best one. But a challenge is a Will and I accepted and worked our little legs off but couldn't beat the formidable duo! Next time we'll have to flip a coin for the boats to make it even. The food at lunchtime was delicious and so was the beer! I think we all ate way too much and it's no wonder the previous GSE teams have been putting on weight.

That night we all went out to experience the Spectacular Nightlife that Oakhurst had to offer. Glen, Will and I heading to the Pines (near Glens house on Bass Lake) for a few beers with my police friends. We were shouted beers, met firefighters, chatted to bridal parties, sampled more beers, and learnt the American Rules for Pool. Apparently you don't get 2 shots for fouls over here.

Michelle was taken to a Wine Bar in Oakhurst (yes, apparently they exist up here), popped past the Pines for a brew with the team, then headed out to a Japanese restaurant. Michelle had Alaskan Rolls for dinner (think sushi wrapped in salmon instead of seaweed) which were delicious!

At the end of the night we all managed to get home in one piece and had a great time socialising with the locals! It was great to just relax and hangout.


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