Saturday, April 19, 2008

Reno District Conference Day 2

Day 22 - Saturday, April 19, 2008

Today we met at the Conference Ballroom for a breakfast meeting and to listen to guest speakers for the day. To start the day off we had a flag ceremony and Westy was picked to represent Australia and carry our flag.

Westy doing the Aussies proud

Key guest speakers for the day included:
- Speech Competition Winner (16yo)
- Graham Kennedy (Polio Plus)
- Rosemary Aragorn (Generations in society and Rotary & recruitment)
- (The path of the first woman in Rotary... Finalised in 1987!)
- Dave Tygett from Stockton Rotary and our own Michelle (Joining DG Dick to present Club awards)

Dave Tygett & Michelle. Both thinking "What have I gotten myself into here..."

In the evening we all tried to doll up Hollywood Style, we would've gone complete glammed up if someone told us the theme in advance! I know that Glen and Will were dying to get our their little black dresses for the evening but didn't know it was that formal!

The G Team (G is for glamorous...)

The night was so much fun! They had a red carpet, celebrity heads (but it was really celebrity backs as that was where the name was), photographers, popcorn and a must for every celebrity... sunglasses!

One of these people has a scary day job. One has scary hair...

The meal was fantastic and we all had a great time chatting away. I think Glen and I were extremely happy with the delicious steak for dinner! After the main meal we were entertained by the King'in Trio who were actually a band of Four. They played songs that Westy knew, but throughout the night I think there were 3 songs that Will and I knew. When the night was over, we headed downstairs for a couple of drinks at the bar and to catch up with our Rotary Friends.

The girls holding President Dave from Modesto East in a vertical position

A highlight of the night - it was snowing outside our hotel!

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