Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fantastic vistas of the lake

Day 30 - Sunday, April 27th, 2008

We woke up this morning to Glen talking in his sleep, Westy snoring and my tummy grumbling! We were able to sleep in til 830 which was so good and I'm sure we all needed it.

The Tahoe Team

We headed to Heidi's a Pancake Parlour and had to argue with staff over seating as they wouldn't let us bring an extra chair over to fit our group of 9 in a booth that fits 8. Group of 10 if you count Errol. The breakfast was huge and delicious. We struggled to eat it all, but Glen managed!

A gondola (aka chair lift)

We then headed to the bottom of the Heavenly Ski Resort near the California/Nevada border so we could catch the Gondola to the Ski Runs. The ride to the top was fantastic and the views just spectacular. We stopped part way up at a fantastic "vista" or lookout in Australian. We had small snowball fight and took in the views of Lake Tahoe and the surrounding Mountains.

A great vista of Lake Tahoe

Our team. Why aren't we vistaing the vista? (And cna I even verb that?)

We continued our way up the Mountains to the ski runs and went straight into a free for all snow ball fight! There a few killer shots, some ambushing, take downs and dirty tricks. We'll let you decide who was responsible for which one. Lets just say some people have strong arms and some people are just plain sneaky.

Snow fights are fun!

We headed to the beer tent and sat outside drinking our alcoholic beverages. The three people that ordered Coronas all received boys. The over educated members of the group theorised that the low air pressure at the high altitude may have led to an increase in volume. Or they may have been full of shit!

Relaxing at the top of Heavenly Valley Ski Resort with Kyle & Eric

Back down the mountain we went and drove to Emerald Bay for a hike....ok, a stroll. We walked towards the Eagle Falls and had another snow ball fight! You'd think we'd never seen snow before the way we keep playing in it. The boys were very good shots and we had a great time throwing snowballs around...Michelle seemed to cop it the most out of the group. As Jeff said, too big a target???

Tea house in Emerald Bay. Apparently they got 'several visitors per summer'

Chris Currie (Kiwi - owns the cabin) met us at his place and we said goodbye to Jeff, Eric and Kyle and chatted over pistachios, wine and beer before checking out.....

Eagle Falls

Eagle Falls a little further downstream

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