Sunday, March 30, 2008

Modesto to Stockton & First Host Family!

Day 2 - Sunday, March 30, 2008

We only lasted in Modesto until lunchtime before driving up to Stockton.
I think we flew into Modesto first because it has a commercial airport with flights. That is an advantage for flying…
The other alternative would be to fly to San Francisco and then drive to Stockton. Anyway, this way we got to meet Terri and Howie at the start, and we’ll be back here in a few weeks to hang out with them some more...

We met our Stockton coordinator David Tygett and Glen’s host Larry Seiler over brunch where we celebrated Glen’s birthday again. This time with a cake and not alcohol. Then we headed north to Stockton.

Terri (second from left) Larry (back left standing) & Dave (back right sitting)

Two observations from the trip:

1 - They don’t mess around when they build freeways here. The 99 is about 6 lanes that whole way, and it runs very straight north-south. They couldn’t afford even a single corner. Budget must have been tight… I think road builders in Tas would have gotten bored and put in some corners just for the hell of it after a while.

No corners allowed...

2 - This really is a diverse agricultural area. It produces a large amount of produce. Nuts, fruit, vegetables, grapes and of course asparagus. Asparagus is sort of a big deal, they have a festival for it and everything. I’d hate clean out the urinal after that…

Produce galore

I’m staying with Graham and Sharon Tweedy. Thoroughly lovely, and fantastic hosts. Graham is involved with a business referrals network named Business Network International and manages websites among other things (more details as I learn more…). Sharon teaches at a local elementary school. So, IT and education. I think someone thought about it and picked the Tweedys as my hosts on purpose! Very nice people, we talked for several hours about everything from politics, to ice hocky, to religion, to the construction industry. Very stimulating. The Tweedys are friends with Sarah’s hosts Scott and Kristin, so they joined us for dinner. It was great fun…

Righto, that will do for now. Tomorrow we meet our first rotary group and mess about on boats. Better wear my King Gees.


Beres said...

Hi Will and Co, great to see you have arrived mostly in 1 piece. Tell Graham that BNI operates in Tas, I know of at least 2 chapters and they are trying to get one off the ground in Glenorchy.Enjoy your time in US.

Anonymous said...

Hey Will and co,
enjoyed catching up your posts so far. Careful with that dateline when you go the other way - a whole new challenge - you may miss someone's birthday rather than reliving it many times...
Duncan Young

Anonymous said...

Hi all,
Sounds like you're having a great time already! I look forward to hearing more about your adventures. Jill Butterworth :-)

William Young said...

Thanks Beres.
I'll pass that on. Just heard the same thing from someone else too.
Hope you find the blog interesting...

Anonymous said...

We call 'cocktail savs' in NZ "Cheerios" and then they introduced the cereal as well...

The marketing campaign actually said something like... "You may think Cheerios are a manufactured meat... Actually, they are a delicious breakfast cereal combining oats, wheat... blah blah"

Bloody Americans! lol

Loving the commentry
Be Safe